Curry Udon – Microwave Only


Everybody loves curry. Indian butter chicken curry, Thai green curry, Massaman curry… Too many favorites! There’s something addictive about these spices hmmm.

When you think of traditional udon, you would think of traditional dashi (Japanese broth) but udon incredibly goes well with curry as well. And this recipe makes it super easy to make to please give it try!

Ingredients (Serving 1)

  • 40g sliced pork belly
  • 1/8 leek or onion
  • 1 cube of Japanese curry roux
  • 1 tablespoon of 2x concentrated mentsuyu
  • 200ml water
  • 1 serving of udon (frozen, chilled, or fresh. NOT dried ones)
  • 1 teaspoon potato starch


This is the instructions for using chilled or fresh udon noodles (not frozen ones). Please refer to notes for using frozen udon.

  1. Slice the leek or the onion and cut the sliced pork belly into bite size pieces.
  2. Put pork belly, onion, curry roux, mentsuyu and water. Cover loosely and microwave on medium high (600 watts) for 3 minutes.
  3. Rinse the udon noodle and add it to the bowl, cover loosely and microwave for another 3 minutes.
  4. To thicken the soup, mix starch with a teaspoon of water, pour it in and stir well.


  • If you are using frozen noodles, you can place it in the bowl together with all the other ingredients and microwave on medium high (600 watts) for 6 minutes.
  • When pouring in watered starch to thicken the soup, pour it in while the soup is boiling hot. Otherwise, it is not going to thicken the soup.
  • You can explore adding other vegetables like carrots for some colors
  • Use a non-dried udon noodles like these ones
  • The best part of this recipe is that we don’t use a cooking pot. Just one microwaveable bowl needed. The less dishes to do, the better!

Where is this recipe from?

Yuri Yamamoto, a famous blogger and cooking columnist. Published more than 10 recipe books and >6 million copies are sold.

I have been reading her blog for many years now. Not only her recipes are good, her writing is really good! She has this comedian touch which makes me giggle.



