Chicken Tomato Cream – No canned diced tomatoes needed!

Main Course

The other day I was going to make chicken tomato stew. I cut my chicken, onion, eggplant, and opened the cupboard to look for a can of diced tomatoes. Found out I didn’t have any left! I always stock them because I use them all the time. And it’s raining outside so I didn’t wanna run to a store… Ughhh….

So I googled for a recipe that does not require a canned tomatoes and this is what I found. It actually turned out incredibly good!

Ingredients (Servings 2)

  • a chicken thigh
  • a pinch of salt and pepper
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • 1/4 onion
  • 1/2 packed shimeji mushroom
  • 1 eggplant (optional)
  • 150ml milk
  • 2 tablespoon ketchup
  • 1 tablespoon Japanese semi-sweet sauce (or Worcestershire sauce or tonkatsu sauce)


  1. Cut the chicken and eggplant into bite size pieces. Slice the onion. Remove root of shimeji mushroom and tear into pieces.
  2. Lightly salt and pepper the chicken and dust with flour.
  3. Heat a pan and cook the chicken skin side down until skin gets golden and crispy.
  4. Turn the chicken upside down and add onion, shimeji mushroom, eggplant and cook for a minute.
  5. Add milk, ketchup and semi-sweet/Worcestershire/tonkatsu sauce and cook for another 3 minutes or the chicken is completely cooked.


  • When we say sauce in Japanese, we usually mean semi-sweet sauce made with umami of vegetables and fruits. They are multi purpose sauce which we use for tonkatsu (pork cutlet) and other deep fried dishes as well as okonomiyaki (Japanese savory pancakes) etc! Here is a link to a well known brand of Japanese sauce. For this recipe you can use any of the semi-sweet, Worcestershire or tonkatsu sauce as they taste very similar.
  • The original recipe didn’t have eggplant in it but it went really well so if you have some at home, I suggest you add them. It adds good volume to the dish as well.

Where is this recipe from?

Mizuki, a cooking expert with her best seller recipe books. Her specialty is pancake mix recipes but she also has a lot of everyday dinner recipes that is easy to make.

I should definitely try her pancake mix recipes one day as they all look good!

